Terms and Conditions

1. GRIDSEARCH SITE OWNER IDENTIFICATION DATA The website integrator.gridsearch.ai is administered and operated by GRIDSEARCH S.R.L., a limited liability company, organized and operating in accordance with Romanian legislation, with its registered office located in Revolutiei 1989, Number 69, Bl. A15, apartment 14, city of Alba Iulia, county Alba, registered in the Trade Register under no. J1/931/14.07.2022, having Unique Identification Code 46475997 and Unique European Identifier (EUID) no. ROONRC.J1/931/2022. GRIDSEARCH SRL is not a VAT payer. Contacts: Email: [email protected] Mailing address: Revolutiei 1989, Number 69, Bl. A15, apartment 14, city of Alba Iulia, county Alba Phone: +40 731 358 888 The price list and the description of the services offered are available on integrator.gridsearch.ai, in the “integrator.gridsearch.ai/pricing section.

2. ABOUT THE GRIDSEARCH WEBSITE/PLATFORM (1). The WEBSITE/PLATFORM integrator.gridsearch.ai, hereinafter referred to as ‘WEBSITE’ is a service of GRID SEARCH S.R.L. (2). In this document, GRID SEARCH S.R.L, with the identification data above, will be referred to as the “SERVICE PROVIDER”. (3). All Customers of the WEBSITE/PLATFORM integrator.gridsearch.ai undertake to comply with this Terms and Conditions document regarding the use of the PLATFORM. (4). By using the PLATFORM, the Customer unconditionally accepts these Terms and Conditions. The Customer who does not agree, in whole or in part, with these Terms and Conditions, is asked not to continue using the PLATFORM and to give up accessing the PLATFORM.

3. DEFINITIONS PRICE LIST – the price list of the Services available on the SITE/PLATFORM; WORKING DAYS – Monday to Friday, except for Romanian public holidays, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., local time; DAYS OFF – days other than working days; REGISTRATION FORM – the registration form available on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM that allows the Customer to create a Profile on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM and use the Services by successfully completing the form; CONSUMER – an entity that acts for purposes outside of its commercial, industrial or production, craft or liberal activity being a consumer within the meaning of the Civil Code or other applicable legislation; GRACE PERIOD – the period during which it is possible to restore the use of the Service while maintaining the configuration and data entered by the Customer; SETTLEMENT PERIOD – a period followed by a settlement for the use of the Services that begins on the day the Contract is concluded and ends on the day of the following month corresponding to the first day of the Contract term and if there is no such day in the following month – on the last day of of the respective month. In this case, the next settlement period starts on the first day of the following month. The Settlement Period is shortened if the Contract is terminated before the day on which the Settlement Period would end; SUBSCRIPTION – a specific package offered by the SERVICE PROVIDER in connection with the provision of Services as presented on integrator.gridsearch.ai, section integrator.gridsearch.ai; RECURRING (REPETITIVE) PAYMENTS – a payment method that automatically charges the payment card indicated by the Customer at the expiration of a Settlement Period; CUSTOMER PROFILE (PROFILE) – the space assigned to the Customer given in connection with the provision of the Service in the ICT resources of the SERVICE PROVIDER, which is marked with the Customer’s individual name (login) and password through which the Customer can access the System and perform specific actions as part of using the Service; TERMS AND CONDITIONS – this document, which governs the provision of Services to the Customer; PLATFORM – the platform maintained by the SERVICE PROVIDER at integrator/integrator.gridsearch.ai, within which the WEBSITE/PLATFORM operates; TEHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS – technical requirements that must be met by the Customer for the correct provision of the Services specified in Annex 1 to the Terms and Conditions, which constitute an integral part of the Terms and Conditions; WEBSITE/PLATFORM – Software as a service provided to the Customer by the SERVICE PROVIDER under this Agreement, supporting entrepreneurs in facilitating their online sales through various sales channels specified on the platform; CONTACT – a contract for the provision of Services concluded through the Platform between the SERVICE PROVIDER and the Client based on these Terms and Conditions and the Price List as well as the offer presented on the Site/Platform (including, among others, information about Subscriptions), concluded in professional purposes by the Client; SERVICES – electronic services provided by the SERVICE PROVIDER to the Client through the WEBSITE/PLATFORM and based on these Terms and Conditions, consisting in ensuring the Client’s access to the System, as well as its proper functioning on the principles established in the Terms and Conditions; CLIENT – ​​a professional (non-Consumer entity) who uses the Services according to the Contract for purposes directly related to his business or professional activity; SERVICE PROVIDER – GRIDSEARCH S.R.L registered in the Trade Register under no. J1/931/14.07.2022, having Unique Identification Code 46475997 and Unique European Identifier (EUID) no. ROONRC.J1/931/2022, email: [email protected]; TECHNICAL SUPPORT/ASSISTANCE – technical support provided by the Service Provider in relation to the Services provided during the Contract; PROBLEM REPORTING/REPORT – a message sent by the Customer to the SERVICE PROVIDER through an appropriate form available on the Customer Profile, in which the Customer describes the technical/functional problem related to the Services in order to obtain assistance from the Service Provider

4. GENERAL PROVISIONS (1). These Terms and Conditions regulate the conditions and manner of electronic provision of Services by the SERVICE PROVIDER, as well as the use of these Services by Customers. (2). Due to the nature of the Services and due to the fact that they are intended to support professionals in carrying out sales activities, the Terms and Conditions and the Services are not addressed to Consumers, as defined above. (3). A device with a web browser, Internet access and an active e-mail address are required and represent the minimum Technical Specifications for the use of the Services to be possible. (4). The detailed technical conditions for using the Services can be found in Annex 1 – Technical Specifications. (5). Please ensure that you meet all applicable Technical Specifications before using the Services.

5. ABOUT THE SERVICES AND THE USE OF THE SERVICES (1). To use the Services, the Customer must register on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM, i.e. create a Customer profile on the SITE/PLATFORM, providing the relevant data specified in the Registration Form (including access data to the SITE/PLATFORM) and accept these Terms and Conditions. (2). When the Customer sends the Registration Form to the SERVICE PROVIDER, by activating the corresponding button during the Customer’s order placement, the Contract between the Service Provider and the Customer is concluded remotely, after which the Customer is given the opportunity to use the Services. (3). The Client has the right to use the Services offered by the SERVICE PROVIDER, under the conditions specified in this Terms and Conditions document only after paying the price related to the requested Service. (4). The Client will be notified of the end of the Settlement Period and the possibility of extending access to the services offered by the SERVICE PROVIDER. (5). The Customer may use the Services only in connection with his sales of goods, and the Service Provider does not agree to the use of the resources and functions available on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM for the purpose of carrying out activities by the Service Beneficiary that would violate the PROVIDER’S interest SERVICES and which consist in particular of the sale of services used by the Service Recipient under the Agreement. (6). It is prohibited for the Customer to use any solutions to automate the use of the Site/Platform, System or Services (scripts, bots, robots, etc.), with the exception of solutions that use the API (programming interface of the application) officially (integrator.gridsearch.ai). (7). If the SERVICE PROVIDER finds a violation by the Customer of point 5 paragraph (6) above, the Service Provider has the right to block access to the System by blocking the Customer’s profile and terminating the Contract without notice in accordance with point 8, paragraph (4), letter (b). (8). It is forbidden for the Service Beneficiary to use the WEBSITE/PLATFORM and/or the Services in a way that violates the law, good manners, the personal rights of third parties or the legitimate interests of the Service Provider, as well as to provide illegal content. (9). The use of the WEBSITE/PLATFORM includes, without limitation, also accessing, browsing and registering/logging in to use the WEBSITE/PLATFORM and/or the services of the SERVICE PROVIDER. However, Customers wishing to contract the services of the SERVICE PROVIDER must additionally comply with the provisions of the SERVICE PROVIDER’s Terms and Conditions, available here. (10). For the avoidance of any doubt, the SERVICE PROVIDER will be able to modify unilaterally, at any time and without any prior notification to the users: the content, form of presentation and/or structure of the WEBSITE/PLATFORM and will not have any kind of liability In this regard. Changes can also be made to ensure compliance with legislative changes. Any such subsequent changes will be reflected in an updated version of the Terms and Conditions, which will be available on the PLATFORM (together with the date from which they apply). (11). Changes made in this way to the Terms and Conditions will be considered to be accepted by the user if he continues to use the WEBSITE/PLATFORM after the modified Terms and Conditions are displayed on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM. (12). WEBSITE/PLATFORM își propune să ofere Clientilor/vizitatorilor informații corecte și actualizate cu privire la serviciile FURNIZORULUI DE SERVICII și noutățile FURNIZORULUI DE SERVICII, etapele pentru crearea unui Cont pe WEBSITE/PLATFORM noastra, orice alte informații pe care FURNIZORUL DE SERVICII le consideră utile utilizatorului, inclusiv pentru a sta la baza unei decizii informate a utilizatorului de a comanda serviciile FURNIZORULUI DE SERVICII și de a intra în relații contractuale cu FURNIZORULU DE SERVICII pentru a beneficia de servicii conform Termenilor și condițiilor FURNIZORULUI DE SERVICII . (13). The WEBSITE/PLATFORM is intended to contribute to the improvement of the relationship between the SERVICE PROVIDER and the Clients of its services / potential Clients of the SERVICES PROVIDER’s services, in the sense of facilitating communication between the SERVICE PROVIDER and them. The intention of the SERVICE PROVIDER is to provide updated information at all times on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM, so the SERVICE PROVIDER will make every effort to provide users of the WEBSITE/PLATFORM with up-to-date information regarding the services under the brands promoted by the SERVICE PROVIDER and to update the content of the WEBSITE/PLATFORM. However, the SERVICE PROVIDER does not guarantee the timeliness and accuracy of the information presented on the PLATFORM at any time. Also, the SERVICE PROVIDER does not guarantee that the WEBSITE/PLATFORM will not occasionally contain errors or periods of non-operation, but will reasonably try to fix these errors/periods in a short time to allow a correct information of the users of the PLATFORM and a useful experience in visiting/using the WEBSITE/PLATFORM. (14). The SERVICE PROVIDER hereby expressly disclaims any liability for any damages suffered by the Clients by taking any decisions based on any information provided through the WEBSITE/PLATFORM and the SERVICE PROVIDER is not responsible in any form and in no circumstance for such damages. (15). If the Customers intend to make an informed choice and/or purchase products/services presented on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM, we strongly recommend them to contact the sources/contact persons expressly presented on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM, to clarify any aspects, or the contact form located on the specifically allocated section. (16). The SERVICE PROVIDER does not in any way guarantee the quality of the WEBSITE/PLATFORM from a technical and/or functional point of view, nor the absence of viruses that could exist on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM, given the characteristics of the online environment and the specifications of the Internet. Thus, the SERVICE PROVIDER will not be held liable in any way for any direct or indirect damages suffered or invoked by users/visitors arising from malfunctions/proper, full or partial malfunctions of any/any portions of/of the WEBSITE/PLATFORMS. (17). The User understands that the SERVICE PROVIDER has the right to interrupt at any time, with immediate effect and without prior notice, any activity of the WEBSITE/PLATFORM. (18). The Client understands and agrees that the SERVICE PROVIDER has the right to restrict at any time, with immediate effect and without prior notice, the user’s access to the WEBSITE/PLATFORM, if there are indications/ the SERVICE PROVIDER believes that, based on the user’s conduct and/or activity, his actions harm/could harm in any way the SERVICE PROVIDER, including the reputation or reputation of the SERVICE PROVIDER, or the access and/or use by other users. Likewise, access to other sites/information/activities may be restricted/blocked by the SERVICE PROVIDER, in accordance with applicable law, including if the SERVICE PROVIDER has knowledge that the information or activity in question is illegal or facts or circumstances from which it may result that the activity or information in question may harm the rights of a third party. (19). All information available on the PLATFORM (including, but not limited to, images, text, logos, symbols) that can be viewed or accessed in any way by using an electronic device, the content of e-mails sent to the Client by to the SERVICE PROVIDER, any information communicated to the user (including, but not limited to, data relating to the SERVICE PROVIDER, its activity, etc.) by any means by a representative of the SERVICE PROVIDER, are and remain the exclusive property of the SERVICE PROVIDER OF SERVICES. (20). The Client hereby grants to the SERVICE PROVIDER the right to use the user’s name and brand(s) on the SERVICE PROVIDER’S WEBSITE/PLATFORM including by including the user’s name and/or brands in the SERVICE PROVIDER’s partner portfolio SERVICES, as well as in any marketing/advertising material, in any environment/media chosen by the SERVICE PROVIDER (e.g. online, offline, social media). This right will be in effect without the SERVICE PROVIDER owing a consideration to the Client, for the maximum period allowed by legislation (and anyway at least for the duration of the contractual agreement between the SERVICE PROVIDER and the user, according to this document). After the expiration of the period stipulated by law, the SERVICE PROVIDER will be able to use the contractual relationship with the user as a reference, without indicating its name and/or brand. (23). The customer who agrees to receive newsletter-type communications from the SERVICE PROVIDER (e.g. about the SERVICE PROVIDER’s development of e-commerce practices, etc.), will receive such communications at the indicated e-mail address. The customer can unsubscribe at any time from receiving these types of communications, by sending an e-mail to the SERVICE PROVIDER at the address: [email protected] . However, the Customer understands and agrees that unsubscribing from receiving the newsletter does not automatically imply renunciation of acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and/or the Terms and Conditions of the SERVICE PROVIDER (or of the other documents constituting the agreement of the contract with the SERVICE PROVIDER) . In the sense of this article, a newsletter means a periodic means of information, exclusively electronic, respectively using electronic mail (e-mail), on information/events/news in which the user may be interested, without any commitment from the PROVIDER OF SERVICES with reference to the information contained in such a message (and if the contrary is not provided in such a message).

6. FUNCTIONS OF THE SERVICES (1). As part of using the Services, the WEBSITE/PLATFORM integrator.gridsearch.ai offers the following Services to the Client: a) A product management system b) A system for integrating/placing/updating products on several Marketplaces c) Dynamic online stores for product presentation (2). The online stores on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM integrator.gridsearch.ai are called “GridShops” may use additional features available in the Customer Profile, such as: (3). Detailed information about the functions of the Services, the available System integrations, as well as about the Subscriptions are available on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM, in the List of Subscriptions. (4). The Client acknowledges that all intellectual property rights over the programs, products and applications of the SERVICE PROVIDER belong exclusively to the SERVICE PROVIDER and its partners. This Agreement does not constitute an assignment or transfer of any intellectual property rights to the Client. The SERVICE PROVIDER grants the Customer a limited right to access and use the programs, products and applications related to the Services, for the duration of this Agreement. The license is non-exclusive and is limited to the territory of Romania and only to those programs/applications necessary to provide the Services. The price of the License is included in the fees for the Services.

7. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (1). For the duration of the Contract, the payment for the use of the Service covers the Customer’s option to use the remote Technical Support of the vice SERVICE PROVIDER for purposes related to the use of the Services. (2). The Customer can use Technical Support only by sending a Problem Report to the Service Provider through the contact form available in the Customer Profile. (3). By reporting an error, the Customer indicates the subject of the Report by selecting an appropriate option from the list available on the WEBSITE. (4). Technical Support is available only to Customers who are not in arrears with payments due for the Services. (5). Technical Support includes assistance to eliminate errors in the System that occurred during the use of the Service by the Customer and applies to both the basic Services and their functions provided by the Service Provider. (6). Technical support does not apply to: a) elements that are subject to independent modification by the Customer (e.g. graphic templates); b) errors that appeared as a result of the Client’s interference in the Service settings, and in particular in the System, which are not available to the Client from the level of the administrative panel visible to each Client after logging in to the System, to which the Client obtained access by violating the nature Service; c) errors resulting from the Client’s failure to meet the technical requirements necessary to use the Service indicated in the Contract. (7). Errors can be classified as follows: a) Main Error – results in the unavailability of the System or its main functions for at least 20% of the Customers; b) Normal Error – any error, other than the error listed in (a). (8). If, in a given settlement month, more than 25% of the errors reported by the Client are reported in a manner different from that specified in point 7 or are fictitious, the Client will be obliged to pay a remuneration for the provision of Services by the Service Provider in connection with these notifications at an hourly rate of 160 RON net for each hour initiated. (9). Technical support: a) for main errors is implemented in: i. up to 48 hours and consists in minimizing these errors or their effects; ii. up to 72 hours and involves the elimination of these errors. b) in relation to errors other than those indicated in (a) are implemented in accordance with the time and technical capabilities of the Service Provider, about which the Customer will be notified. (10). The Service Provider may qualify the subject of the Report, which, in the opinion of the Service Provider, is not an error, as a function, the implementation of which will be taken into account when developing the Services – in this case, the Report is not treated as a basis for calculation of the remuneration provided for in point (13). (11). Technical support is offered only on working days. (12). In the case of errors reported on a Day off, the deadline for the elimination of errors begins at 9:00 a.m. on the first Business Day following the Holiday on which the error was reported. (13). The customer can use Technical Support outside the scope indicated in paragraph (11) for a fee. The cost of such support, including the estimated cost, is paid by the Customer after the Customer declares its interest in such service, based on the hourly rate indicated in the Price List before making a decision to order the service.

8. DURATION OF THE CONTRACT (1). Contracts for the provision of Services are concluded for an indefinite period of time. (2). The Client may terminate the Contract at any time, i.e. permanently delete the Profile using the appropriate function on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM. (3). The SERVICE PROVIDER may terminate the Contract with a 7-day notice, except for the cases provided for in point 4 of the SERVICE PROVIDER below. will notify the Customer of the termination by sending an e-mail to the Customer’s e-mail address assigned to his profile on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM. (4). THE SERVICE PROVIDER has the right to terminate the contract without respecting the notice period provided above, without notifying the court or fulfilling other formalities in the event that: a) The customer has provided false or incomplete data in relation to the Contract; b) There are reasonable suspicions or it has been confirmed that the Customer is using the Services in a manner incompatible with these Terms and Conditions or with generally applicable laws; (5). There are reasonable suspicions or it has been confirmed that the Customer uses the Services in a way that infringes the rights of third parties.

9. GRACE PERIOD (1). The grace period begins: a) on the first day after the ineffective expiration of the payment term indicated on the invoice issued for the use of the Services by the SERVICE PROVIDER, b) on the first day after the suspension of the Customer Profile, (2). The grace period lasts a maximum of 12 months or until (whichever of these cases occurs earlier): a) The Customer cancels the suspension of the Service by selecting the appropriate option on the Site, b) The Customer upgrades the free Services after the end of the Trial Period to the paid Services, c) successful payment of the Services if the transition to the Grace Period resulted from the lack of payment for the use of the Services within the term indicated on the invoice issued by the SERVICE PROVIDER. (3). The Grace Period is not a period in which the Customer can use the entire range of Services, but only gives the Customer the opportunity to reuse the Services, while maintaining the current configuration of the Customer Profile and the data entered by the Customer. (4). At the end of the Grace Period, the SERVICE PROVIDER has the right to permanently delete the Customer Profile, which will be equivalent to the termination of the Contract and, as a result, all data related to the Profile will be deleted.

10. PAYMENT (1). Detailed information about payments for Services can be found in the Price List available on the WEBSITE integrator.gridsearch.ai/pricing. (2). After the end of each Settlement Period during which the Customer has used the Services and an obligation to make a payment has arisen, the SERVICE PROVIDER will issue and provide the Customer with an invoice. (3). If the Client terminates the Contract during the Settlement Period, the SERVICE PROVIDER will issue and provide the Client with an invoice only for the period in which the Client used the Services and the payment obligation arose. (4). The invoice is considered to be paid when the entire amount indicated on the invoice is credited to the bank account of the SERVICE PROVIDER. (5). The Customer agrees to receive electronic invoices from the SERVICE PROVIDER via email to the Customer’s email address assigned to its Profile. (6). Using the Customer Profile, the Customer can automatically make payments through Recurring Payments, i.e. periodically debiting the Customer’s bank account with the amount that is due for the use of the Services in a given Settlement Period. (7). Choosing the Recurring Payments option is equivalent to the automatic payment resulting from the Contract concluded for subsequent Settlement Periods until the termination of the Contract regarding the provision of the Service by any means or until the Customer withdraws his consent for Recurring Payments through the Customer Profile. (8). In the absence of funds in the bank account to which the defined payment card is assigned, the attempt to debit the account will be repeated three times after 2, 4 and 6 days. When the last upload attempt is ineffective, the Grace Period begins in accordance with point 9 of the Terms and Conditions. (9). The Customer may cancel Recurring Payments – through the Customer Profile – at any time, provided that the cancellation of such payments does not apply to the current Settlement Period. (10). Only payments made using a payment card and online payments are available on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM. It is not possible to make payments on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM using a traditional transfer directly to the account of the SERVICE PROVIDER. (11). Payment card transactions and online payment transactions are settled through https://stripe.com/en-ro or another payment operator offered on the Site/Platform, selected by the Customer.

11. RIGHTS ON THE WEBSITE/PLATFORM (1). The content and design of the SITE/PLATFORM, including but not limited to logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, static images, dynamic images, text and/or multimedia content on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM, graphics, form, method of presentation, as well as other materials on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM (e.g. photo-video materials, information about the SERVICES PROVIDER’s services), belong to the SERVICE PROVIDER and/or its collaborators, and are protected by intellectual property legislation, he being reserved all rights obtained in this regard directly or indirectly (through assignments, licenses for use and/or publication). (2). Any violation or attempt to/participation in any act of violation of rights on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM/materials on the WEBSITE/PLAFORM is expressly prohibited, including but not limited to, copying, reproduction, distribution, publication , selling, transferring to third parties, renting, lending, communicating, copying, modifying, displaying, transmitting in any form the content and/or graphics of the WEBSITE/PLATFORM, creating derivative materials using the content and/or form of the WEBSITE/PLATFORM , the inclusion of any content in any other context than the original intended by the SERVICE PROVIDER, the removal of any sign signifying the [copyright] right of the SERVICE PROVIDER/collaborators, under the penalties provided by law. Any exception requires the prior written consent of the SERVICE PROVIDER. (3). THE SERVICE PROVIDER is the owner of the intellectual property rights over the WEBSITE/PLATFORM, as well as over the brands and databases presented/present on the Website, as well as over the works presented on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM (e.g. pictures/photos) , as well as all rights (including but not limited to the right to use, modify, disclose or publish) over the ideas, concepts, know-how, methods, solutions, techniques, processes, adaptations, throughout the duration of the activity its / maximum allowed by law. For certain portions of the WEBSITE/PLATFORM (e.g. articles/materials written by other authors), the SERVICE PROVIDER has the right to distribute a copy on the Internet through the WEBSITE/PLATFORM. Customers are obliged to respect the rights of SERVICE PROVIDER I and other third parties and not to harm them in any way. Customers may not re-use (e.g. reproduce) the information/materials on the WEBSITE/PLAFORM without the express prior written consent of the SERVICE PROVIDER. (4). In particular, the photo-video materials available on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM may not be reproduced/reused/copied/taken over by users under any circumstances. We point out that such photo-video materials in most cases contain personal data, including those of third parties; their use/processing is rigorously and strictly regulated by legislation, the violation of the rights of the holders (including the persons concerned) constituting the violation of the relevant legislation, which can be severely sanctioned. (5). The use of any logo/emblems/header/brands of the SERVICE PROVIDER (including the name/brands of the SERVICE PROVIDER in association with the brand names promoted by the SERVICE PROVIDER or separately from them) is not permitted without prior consent written express of the SERVICE PROVIDER, in/on any material/document/website.

12. COMPLAINTS (1). In case of objections regarding the operation of the Services, especially the System, as well as the provision of the Services by the SERVICE PROVIDER, the Customer may file a complaint. (2). Complaints must be submitted electronically: a) to the e-mail address of the Service Provider: [email protected] or through the Website, using the contact form. (3). In the complaint, under penalty of leaving the complaint unprocessed, the following cumulative aspects must be indicated: a) the authentication address or e-mail address of the Client assigned to him on the Site, b) the object of the complaint, i.e. the objections regarding the Services, c) the method proposed by the Customer for resolving the complaint, d) the moment when the reason for the complaint arose, e) the moment when the information about the reason for the complaint mentioned in letter (d) was obtained. The deadline for submitting a complaint expires: a) after 20 days from the date provided for in paragraph 3 letter (e). b) after 60 days from the date mentioned in paragraph 3 letter (d). (4). Requests will be processed within 30 days from the date of submission of a corresponding request. (5). The resolution of the complaint will be communicated by the SERVICE PROVIDER to the Client at the e-mail address assigned in the Client’s Profile or through the WEBSITE/PLATFORM, especially the Profile.

13. PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA (1). THE SERVICE PROVIDER processes the personal data provided by the Client according to the Privacy Policy, Annex 2 to the Terms and Conditions, available here. (2). The Client’s personal data will be processed mainly on the basis of the Contract and for the purpose of concluding its execution, in accordance with the principles established in the General Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) on data protection (GDPR). Detailed information on data processing by the SERVICE PROVIDER is contained in the privacy policy Annex 2 to the Terms and Conditions and displayed on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM.

14. LINKS TO OTHER WEBSITES AND/OR PLATFORMS (1). The Client understands and accepts that the WEBSITE/PLATFORM may contain links or references to other sites or platforms managed by third parties, according to the usage policies specified on those sites or platforms. The Customer understands that any such inclusion of referrals on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM does not imply any liability of the SERVICE PROVIDER for the material, products and services available on or through these websites, nor any association with their operators. Any inclusion of links in the WEBSITE/PLATFORM is only for providing support/help/recommendations to the user and does not imply the guarantee/endorsement by the SERVICE PROVIDER of the material available on or through these websites, nor any association with the administrators /their operators. The user accesses any such external websites at his own will and at his own risk.

15. CONTACT (1). You can contact us on the dates indicated in the Contact section on the WEBSITE/PLATFORM. (2). At the contact address, users can also report cases in which: a) works protected by copyright/intellectual property rights have been published, directly or indirectly, on the WEBSITE/PLAFORM, without an agreement on the part of the copyright/rights owner; b) there is data regarding the commission of crimes/violations by one of the users or other cases regarding the violation of the law on this WEBSITE/PLAFORM or in connection with it. Suggested text: If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website.

16. APPLICABLE LAW (1). These Terms and Conditions are governed by Romanian law (Law no. 365/2002 on Electronic Commerce, GEO no. 34/2014 on consumer rights in contracts concluded with professionals, as well as any other applicable legislation) Any dispute regarding the content or the applicability of the Terms will be resolved amicably. In the impossibility of an amicable solution, within 30 (thirty) days at the latest from the notification of the dispute by either party, either party may address the competent court.

17. RESPONSIBILITY (1). The SERVICE PROVIDER is liable only for damages caused to the Customer intentionally. (2). Any other liability of the SERVICE PROVIDER towards the Service Beneficiary (including for lost profits) is excluded (3). The total liability of the SERVICE PROVIDER arising in connection with the execution of this Agreement shall be limited to the total value of the Services paid by the Customer according to this Agreement. (4). The Client, as the operator of the personal data entered by himself in the System, is responsible for making and storing backup copies of this data, as well as other contents entered by himself, with the exception of the data for which the SUPPLIER DE SERVICII is a data operator. (5). The Customer acknowledges that there may be interruptions or discontinuities in the provision of services by electronic means and in the provision of the WEBSITE/PLATFORM, including the System, caused by the modification, repair, modernization, expansion or maintenance of the Service Provider’s system or software, relevant to operation of the Services. (6). In any case, the SERVICE PROVIDER will make every effort to limit as much as possible the negative effects of technical problems and to ensure that technical interruptions limit the Customer’s access to the Services as little as possible. (7). SERVICE PROVIDER has the right to use the name, website address and logo of the Customer on its WEBSITE/PLATFORM and in its promotional materials to indicate that the Customer uses or has used the Services, except in case the Customer opposes this. (8). In order to develop and improve the quality of the Services provided, including the System, the Service Provider may use data related to the processing of orders by Customers using the System (e.g. in terms of the number of products, transactions and customers / consumers) for conducting analyzes with the exception of the personal data of customers / consumers of Customers. (9). The SERVICE PROVIDER may publish the results of the analyzes referred to in paragraph (8), but only in the form of summaries regarding the Clients in a way that prevents the recipients of these analyzes from allocating data to an individual Client.

18. MAJOR FORCE (1). THE SERVICE PROVIDER or its affiliates cannot be held responsible for any delay or error resulting directly or indirectly from causes beyond the will of the SERVICE PROVIDER. This exemption includes, but is not limited to: errors in the operation of the technical equipment, non-functioning of the Internet connection, non-functioning of telephone connections, computer viruses, unauthorized access to the COMPANY’s systems, operating errors, as well as cases of force majeure stipulated by Legislation in force.

19. FINAL PROVISIONS (1). The regulations are available in Romanian and English. (2). The SERVICE PROVIDER will inform the Clients about the proposed changes at least 14 days before their entry into force, by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address assigned to the Client’s profile. (3). The absence of an objection from the Client to the proposed changes and the continued use of the Services, in the context in which the rvici SERVICE PROVIDER has informed the Client about the changes made to the Terms and Conditions, constitutes a consent for these changes. (4). Until the amendments enter into force, the Client may terminate the Contract, which will terminate at the end of the validity period of the current Terms and Conditions. If the Client does not denounce the Contract, but opposes the changes – the Contract will terminate on the day before the date on which the changes enter into force. (5). All disputes arising under these Terms and Conditions will be settled before the common court with jurisdiction at the registered office of the Service Provider, based on Romanian law. (6). In the event that any provision of this Contract is considered unenforceable, declared null and void or in any other way cannot be applied by any competent authority or by the effect of the law, the other provisions of the Contract will remain in force and will produce their the effects between the parties. The parties will use their best efforts to replace, in good faith, by mutual agreement, any such unenforceable or void provision with an enforceable or valid provision, so as to preserve as much as possible the economic result of the substituted provision.

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